Thursday, March 23, 2006

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Volleyball Superstar

You decide how you like the picture

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


My first real Journal Thought
Today was a rough day today because Meredith went back to work. I know it was really hard for her. I must say that she is the greatest woman on this Planet. Heavenly Father thank you for the amazing partner you have given me to spend the rest of my life with. She truly completes me. I watch how she has also become the most amazing mother. WOW. She is so loving and sensitive. Of course I knew that she would be that way but to see her just naturally take care of the boy is a beautiful thing to watch. Her strength drives me to be a better man for her and the baby. I do not know what I would do without her. Steve & Kathy thanks for creating such a beautiful creature that is now my wife. She has helped restore my faith in love and hope in people. She is a blessing everyday. Plus she gave me the greatest gift she could ever give me and that was a healthy child. I know that God has great things in store for my son. HE will be a great man of God because he has a great mother. I know and understand my part as a Dad and husband but for a little boy there is nothing greater than a MOM. I know because I had the best mom a young boy could have. Dad you are pretty awesome to. I only hope Merdith and I can be as good as my parents.
Steve & Kathy I think your cool but of course I am a little biased. Thank you for being great and I mean great in-laws. I am truly blessed. I am so glad that I can call you family. I am really grateful to have a amazing brother and sister in-law in Florida. Thanks for all of your love and support. To my family there is not much to say except that I LOVE you'll very much.
Jeff you are an awesome man of God and I thank you for loving my sister and children the way you do. I am glad that my son will have you to look up to. Gina, wow what can I say as much as we know it as a family and take it for granted you are our rock that we all look to. There couldn't be a better older sibling. You are a wonderful mother and sister.
Steve, thank you too for loving my sister and your children. To me you are the funny one in the family. Thanks for being a great figure that has taught his children how to serve their local church and modeled what God calls for a man to be to his wife and children. To my sister Dena, you are very wise and a true servant. I admire you and look up to you. I wish and want us to grow closer in the next couple of years. I miss you.
Jason, you have a special place in my heart and you always will. I love you brother. I think about you often and thank God you are in our family. To my sister Cathy, above all I consider you to be the most FAITHFUL women I have ever known. I have put you in a place in my heart that I cannot begin to describe. You are a wonderful example of what it means to trust and believe. I love you.
To my parents I say thank you for your love and care. Dad I am glad we are friends and I need you now more than I ever have. Help me to be the Dad you were to me and more. Teach me to be a father who stays true to the call of the Lord. There is no one I would rather be with than my Dad. Mother, you have been my greatest fan and have believed in me since before I was born. You warmed my heart when it was sad, carried it when I was weak, and molded me into the man who stands before you now. Mom it was you who was there when I needed love and it was always there. My heart was always in your hands. Thank you both for the greatest gift a child could have. It was you who introduced me to my greatest love. The love of a savior who went to a place of pain, separation, and death for me who was not worthy of this sacrifice. It is this gift that has changed my life and more importantly the life of MY SON. Who WILL know him because of your commitment to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who deserves all the glory for who we are. "We are the reason he gave his life and we are the reason he suffered and died. To a world that was lost he gave all he could give to show us a reason to show us a reason to live." (David Meece) Mom & Dad I get it now that John is here, I love you.
To my son John Elvin Heater V . I love you more and more everyday. You have my heart forever and always. I never thought I could know a love like this. I love you.
To my friends thank you for caring for us. We love you and thank God that he has brought you into our lives. Michael & Staci we love you. Thank you for all the help and love you have given us. I want you both to know this. The best thing that has happened in our lives from moving here is the chance to actually have an intimate and close relationship with the both of you. It has been amazing. We like you. We love all of you.
Love John