Sunday, January 15, 2006

The New Addition to our Family

Friday, December 2nd
Meredith and I are relaxing after she came home from work sick. It just so happened to be her last day of work for maternity leave. I am working on getting Christmas decorations out of the basement so we can decorate tomorrow.
Meredith starts complaining about her stomach and how she feels a weird pain. (Contractions begin)
Contractions are 3 minutes apart. Kind of freaky because the doctor said if they are within five minutes you should head for the hospital. (Our hospital is 35 minutes away.) I call the doctor and get no response.
Meredith's water breaks and I begin to freak out.
I have called everyone I know to tell them that we are going into labor. Meredith is taking a shower so she is clean when she sees the Doctor.
Meredith and I arrive at the hospital where my Mom & dad are waiting for us at the entrance. Mom & Dad park teh car and bring our stuff in. I am in total panic right now.


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