Wednesday, January 25, 2006

John,Meredith & John 5 Leaving for Orlando

Orlando here we come

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

His 1st Profile Shot at 21 weeks
He just got done eating
Sleeping on Grandma

Cousin Adam 1st time Holding JohnV
Cousin Matt is gladd he is not the youngest anymore. Can't wait to teach him video games.
JohnIII is one proud grandpa

Uncle Jason

The Myers

Sunday, January 15, 2006

My Favorite Picture

John Elvin Heater V

Thinking of Orlando

Wants to go Swimming
Thinks way to cold here let's go south
Oh what I would give to be sunbathing right now

I love this Guy

His New Best Friend
Only really smiles at Mommy
Naked is Funny
he only smiles at her

Lauren Rayner
Deloy Cole

Pround New Parents
Doug Smith
Doc & the Delivery Team

Michael Ritter
Jeff Alm
Heather Caddell
Stacie Ritter
The STAR of the Show

Getting ready to go home from the hospital

New Addition to our Family part 2

Meredith has recieved her epideral and is beginning to relax for the first time. Jeff Alm just dropped off some food for me(MacDonalds). I was very hungry. My sisters Cathy and Gina are in the room and they have been a big help. My sister Dena is at a church thing and she will be here as soon as she can. I miss her and can't wait for her to get here. My mom is in the waiting room with Millie. My mother isn't feeling good so she isn't going to come back to see Meredith. There are a lot of people in the wating room. There is Randy Uebinger, Aaron & Danielle Myers, Casey and Carter Burford, J.P. Singh, and of course my entire family.
Meredith is doing good and she is progressing very well. She is about a 4. The MIRACLE SHOT as I call it is doing it's work. There was a big dinner on campus and so I have been instant messaging Norm, Deloy, and Tommy since I got here.
Our nurse came in and checked Meredith and she is dialated to about a 5. She is going to try and get some sleep and I am going to get more food. My Dad is bringing me some Taco Bell.
Just went out to the waiting room because Meredith is sleeping and my sister Dena is int the room with her. My dad has the Taco Bell and I am beginning to eat when my sister comes out to tell me that they just checked her and she is already at a 10. The nurse is running to call the Doctor because he just left for home. He had to have been tired because he delivered 12 babies tonight. Well this is it. Time to push.
John Elvin Heater V is born at 9lbs 6 ounces and 20 inches long. What an awesome gift.

He Loves His daddy

He Didn't like the hat
What a Smile

John 5 first Snow Pictures

Who is cuter?
I just don't know?

John 5 First Snow


Dreaming of Milk

Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve
Asleep on Daddy

3 Weeks Old

Look at those CheeksWOW what a cute kid

Beautiful Mother & Child

Shawn Turner
Tiffany Riggers

The New Addition to our Family

Friday, December 2nd
Meredith and I are relaxing after she came home from work sick. It just so happened to be her last day of work for maternity leave. I am working on getting Christmas decorations out of the basement so we can decorate tomorrow.
Meredith starts complaining about her stomach and how she feels a weird pain. (Contractions begin)
Contractions are 3 minutes apart. Kind of freaky because the doctor said if they are within five minutes you should head for the hospital. (Our hospital is 35 minutes away.) I call the doctor and get no response.
Meredith's water breaks and I begin to freak out.
I have called everyone I know to tell them that we are going into labor. Meredith is taking a shower so she is clean when she sees the Doctor.
Meredith and I arrive at the hospital where my Mom & dad are waiting for us at the entrance. Mom & Dad park teh car and bring our stuff in. I am in total panic right now.

John 5 First Photo
